【Co-host】The University of Tokyo, Center for Global Commons, RIKEN

【Co-sponsor】Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.

【Co-host】The University of Tokyo, Center for Global Commons, RIKEN
【Co-sponsor】Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.


Purpose of the event

A stable Earth system, our shared global commons, is on the brink of collapse. In September 2024, an initiative to annually assess the “planetary boundary health check” using the latest data has commenced. In this forum, Professor Johan Rockström, the world-renowned proponent of the planetary boundaries concept, will present the results of the planet's health check. Together with leaders from academia, industry, and government bodies, both domestic and international, we will discuss strategies to avert this impending crisis and work towards a better future.

  • Additional affiliated Session with the “Global Nature Positive Summit” will be held.
  • Website has been opened.
  • Registration is now open.


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