Chairman : Noriko SHINDO
The Consumer Goods Forum Japan Health & Wellness Senior Manager
Over the last two years, our lifestyle has drastically changed from fighting against
new coronavirus infections to coexistence.
The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Annual Event Japan Day 2022
will focus on how to anticipate the challenges ahead of the SDGs and how to continuously create solutions
that include Japan Uniqueness and Japan Originality and we will invite various people to give lectures.
Furthermore, we will hold discussions with Gen-Z in a panel discussion format, which will give new notices
and discoveries.
We hope that this Japan Day 2022 will serve as a guidepost for the Global Summit Kyoto 2023 to be held in Kyoto in June 2023.
The Consumer Goods Forum
Japan & Asia-Pacific General Manager
Takeshi Matsukawa
The Consumer Goods Forum Japan Health & Wellness Senior Manager
CGF Japan & Asia-Pacific General Manager
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Alibaba Group
CGF Managing Director
JSLG Steering Committee Co-chair
Deputy Head of Administration Headquarters, ITO EN, LTD.
CGF Sustainability Director
Japan CHL Steering Committee Co-chair
General Manager, Sustainability Development Dept. Global Corporate Division, Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
CGF Health & Wellness Director
Japan GFSI Steering Committee Co-chair
Manager, AEON Group Quality Management Dept., Research Institute for Quality Living Co.,Ltd
Future Society 2050
- A proposal on creating an affluent and sustainable world -
Chief Research Manager, Mitsubishi Research Institutes, Inc.
"Innovation and technology" to continuously create + a beyond the SDGs
Director, Representative Executive Officer, CEO, Euglena Co., Ltd.
Chairman, Real Tech Holdings Co., Ltd.
"Purpose led management" ~ Unilever approach beyond SDGs
Representative Director General Manager, Unilever Japan Customer Marketing K.K.
Continuous creation of innovation to solve issues beyond the SDGs and human resource development to supports it
Member of the Board, Representative Executive
Officer & Executive Vice President,
Chief Innovation Officer (CIO), Supervision of R&D, Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
Panel Discussion with Generation-Z
Moderator :
Executive Officer, Group Head, Corporate Affairs Group, Nestlé Japan Ltd.
Generation-Z Panelists :
University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo
Toin Gakuen Secondary School of Educationn
SEIKEI High School
Pannelist :
Chief Research Manager, Mitsubishi Research Institutes, Inc.
Director, Representative Executive Officer, CEO, Euglena Co., Ltd.
Chairman, Real Tech Holdings Co., Ltd.
Representative Director General Manager, Unilever Japan Customer Marketing K.K.
Member of the Board, Director, Executive Officer, Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
CGF Japan & Asia-Pacific General Manager